Féltest kezelés 180 LED piros közeli infravörös fényterápiás panelek

Dual Wavelength Technology: Experience the power of a unique 1:1 ratio of 660nm Red Light and 850nm Near-Infrared Light. This scientifically-proven combination is ideal for enhancing full-body performance, accelerating workout recovery, improving skin health, and promoting overall wellness.

Optimized for Efficiency: Custom-built with 180 high-quality LEDs, our Red Light Therapy Panel delivers optimal results in less time. This makes it perfect for busy individuals seeking a quick yet effective wellness solution.

Customizable Intensity and Control: Tailor your therapy to your needs. With individual dimming capabilities, you can adjust the LED light therapy panels output to your comfort level. Plus, a wireless remote controller allows for seamless operation and synchronization of multiple panels, enhancing your therapy experience.

Built-In Smart Timer: Manage your therapy sessions with ease using the integrated timer. Set your desired duration for each session, ensuring consistent and effective treatment without the need to constantly monitor time.

Personalized Service for Every Client: As a light therapy devices manufacturer specializing in customization and dropshipping, we offer personalized service to meet your unique needs. Whether it’s a specific panel configuration or a tailored customer experience, we’re committed to providing exceptional service and products that align with your individual preferences and requirements.


LED mennyiség
180 x 5w
660 nm: 850 nm = 1:1 (vagy testreszabás)
Foton mód
Piros / NIR / Piros + NIR
1-30 perc
10% -100% Fényerő állítható
Termék mérete
82 x 21 x 6.5cm (32.2" x 8.3" x 2.5")
15.8LBS (7.2KG)
100.000 óra
3 év


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