Simsiz 2000mAh Batareya İnfraqırmızı Sarğı Yenidən doldurulan Qırmızı İşıq Terapiya Kəməri

Powerful 2000mAh Rechargeable Battery: Enjoy long-lasting red light therapy sessions without the hassle of constant recharging. Our rechargeable red light therapy belt’s powerful 2000mAh battery ensures you can receive consistent and effective treatment wherever you go, making it perfect for busy lifestyles.

Advanced Infrared Technology: Experience deeper tissue penetration with our cutting-edge infrared technology. This feature enhances the therapeutic effects of red light, aiding in pain relief, muscle recovery, and skin rejuvenation, delivering more effective results than standard red light therapy.

Cordless Convenience: Our Red Light Therapy Belt is designed for your utmost convenience. Being cordless, it offers the freedom to move around and go about your daily activities while receiving treatment. This mobility ensures that your therapy doesn’t interrupt your day but seamlessly integrates into it.

Adjustable, Comfortable Design: Tailor the fit to your body with our adjustable design, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness during each session. The belt’s ergonomic design contours to your body, providing targeted therapy to the areas you need it most.

Safe and Non-Invasive Treatment: As a safe, non-invasive alternative to traditional pain relief methods, our Red Light Therapy Belt poses no risk of side effects. It’s an ideal solution for those seeking natural and effective ways to enhance their overall well-being, reduce pain, and promote healing.

Məhsulun spesifikasiyası

Cordless Belt-112
LED Miqdarı
Dalğa uzunluqları
660nm & 850nm (Və ya Fərdiləşdirin)
Foton rejimi
Qırmızı + NIR
Batareya Tutumu
İş vaxtı
90 dəq
Doldurma vaxtı
45 mins
Məhsul Ölçüsü
107 x 18cm (42.12" x 7.09")
1.1LBS (0.5KG)
> 50.000 Saat
1 il

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