Qırmızı 660nm və Yaxın İnfraqırmızı 850nm İkili Çipli Qırmızı İşıq Terapiya Ampülləri

Two-in-One Red Light Therapy: This therapy light bulb features 18 high-power LEDs, each with dual chips, totaling 36 chips. It combines 18pcs of 660nm deep red chips with 18pcs of 850nm near-infrared chips, offering the most effective wavelengths for light therapy.

Compact and Efficient: With a weight under 1.5 pounds, our dual chip red light therapy bulb is portable, easily fitting into a bag or suitcase for on-the-go use.

Ideal for Localized Treatment: Whether it’s a sore knee, elbow, hand, or ankle, particularly after a workout, the Lightus dual chip light therapy bulb delivers targeted and immediate red light therapy (RLT) for those specific areas.

Adaptable Wavelength Selection: Customize your therapy according to your requirements by choosing from a range of wavelengths like 630nm, 660nm, 670nm, 810nm, 830nm, 850nm, 910nm, 930nm, 940nm, 1060nm, 1070nm, 415nm, 450nm, 480nm, and more.

Məhsulun spesifikasiyası

LED Miqdarı
5 ədəd
Dalğa uzunluqları
630nm : 660nm : 850nm : 940nm : 460nm
Foton rejimi
Qırmızı + NIR + Mavi / 10Hz
5 dəqiqə avtomatik sönmə
Məhsul Ölçüsü
12 x 2,5 x 0,5 sm (4,73" x 1" x 0,2")
0,46 LBS (0,21 KG)
> 50.000 Saat
1 il


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