Tehdaskorkeussäädettävä siirrettävä vaakasuuntainen pystysuora punaisen valon hoitojalusta

Health and Wellness Centers: These facilities can utilize the red light therapy stand to offer specialized treatments for skin conditions, pain relief, and muscle recovery, enhancing their range of wellness services.

Spas and Beauty Salons: By incorporating red light therapy into their service offerings, spas and salons can provide anti-aging treatments and promote skin health, attracting customers interested in cosmetic improvements.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinics: The ability to adjust the stand horizontally or vertically allows therapists to target specific areas of the body, making it a valuable tool for patient recovery programs.

Gyms and Fitness Centers: Fitness enthusiasts and athletes can benefit from red light therapy for muscle recovery and performance enhancement. The stand’s versatility makes it easy to incorporate into any fitness setting.

Medical Offices: Dermatologists and other medical professionals might use the stand for therapeutic treatments, including skin repair and pain management, adding a non-invasive treatment option to their practices.

Each of these businesses can leverage the flexibility of the Horizontal Vertical Red Light Therapy Stand to enhance their service offerings and cater to clients’ diverse needs.

Red Light Therapy Stand Video

Tuotteen tekniset tiedot

Suurin kuormituskapasiteetti
50 kg / 110 LBS
Manual Adjustable Height
100~170cm (39.3"~67")
Yhteensopivat paneelit
SP1500-PRO SP3000-PRO
Tuotteen koko
75x71x170cm (29.5"x28"x67")
44 LBS (20 kg)
1 vuosi

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