Čo je terapia červeným svetlom?


Terapia červeným svetlom was accidentally discoveredTrusted Source by Endre Mester in 1967 at the Semmelweis Medical University in Budapest, Hungary. He noticed that laser light helped promote hair growth and wound healing in rats.

Since then, many advancements have been made in the realm of red light therapy and medicine. Many people use red light therapy for muscle recovery or to maintain healthy skin. It has also been used to improve sleep, help inflammation, and enhance mental acuity.

Other names you might hear to describe red light therapy include:
Low-level laser light therapy (LLLT)
Low-power laser therapy  (LPLT)
Non-thermal LED light
Soft laser therapy
Cold laser therapy
Biostimulation, photonic stimulation
Photobiomodulation and phototherapy (PBM)

Red light therapy has been used across the world as a non-invasive, non-toxic, beneficial healing modality with little to no side effects.

obchod s terapiou červeným svetlom

How does red light therapy work?

Red light enhances cellular energy by activating photoreceptor proteins known as cytochrome C oxidase. This activation prompts the mitochondria, the cell’s energy generators, to more effectively break down nitric oxide and increase production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy carrier in cells. Optimal levels of ATP are crucial for maintaining cellular efficiency and promoting the body’s healing and repair mechanisms.

Furthermore, red light therapy induces a process called hormesis, which is a beneficial low-level stress within cells. This mild stress, similar to the effects of physical exercise, is advantageous because it stimulates protein synthesis and enzyme activation. It boosts the body’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant defenses, thereby enhancing cell health and resilience.

Additionally, exposure to red light waves improves circulation, enhancing the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells across the body, supporting overall health.

Benefits of Red + Near Infrared Light Therapy

Red and near infrared light therapy offers a spectrum of health benefits through non-invasive light wavelengths. Here’s a quick overview of what this therapy can do:

Skin Health and Anti-Aging
This therapy boosts collagen production, reduces wrinkles, and clears acne, leading to healthier, younger-looking skin.

Healing and Inflammation Reduction
It accelerates healing, eases pain, and diminishes inflammation, benefiting conditions like fibromyalgia and enhancing recovery times.

Hair Growth
Stimulating hair follicles, it promotes hair growth and improves scalp health.

Muscle Recovery
Ideal for athletes, it aids muscle recovery and reduces soreness, minimizing downtime.

Sleep Quality and Circulation
Improving sleep and boosting circulation, it helps in regulating bodily functions and enhancing overall health.

Brain Health
The therapy has potential benefits for brain health and cognitive function, supporting healthy aging.

Weight Loss and Cancer Support
Emerging research suggests it may assist in weight loss and complement cancer treatments by improving cellular health.


Red and near infrared light therapy is a versatile treatment that supports a wide range of health benefits. From rejuvenating skin to enhancing brain health, its applications are vast and promising. Whether you are looking to accelerate your recovery from an injury, improve your skin health, or boost your overall wellness, red and near infrared light therapy might be the solution you’re searching for. As with any treatment, consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best approach for your specific health needs.

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Terapia červeným svetlom doma

Terapia červeným svetlom doma

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