10 års producent af rød lysterapi

Ekspert team

10 år i banebrydende rødlysterapiløsninger.

rød lysterapi af bedste kvalitet

Bedste kvalitet

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global shipping rødt lys terapi

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Om Lightus

10+ års ODM & OEM erfaring

Lightus, is your trusted business partner for top-quality red light therapy equipment. Based in China, we take pride in our commitment to excellence and innovation, offering solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of clients, who prioritize quality and convenience in the health and wellness industry. Quality is the cornerstone of our products. We understand that for clients, quality is non-negotiable. Our red light therapy devices are meticulously crafted to provide effective and reliable results. Whether you run a beauty salon, spa, fitness center, gym, physical therapy center, clinic, sauna center, or any business in the health and wellness sector, you can count on us to deliver red light therapy machines that meet your exacting standards. 

FDA rødt lys terapi
ce rødt lys terapi
rohs rødt lys terapi enheder
fcc enheder til rødt lysterapi
Hvad vi gør

Vores produkter

Rødt lys terapi panel

● Aluminum alloy body
● Touch keypad and remote control with screen interface
● 4 smart preset modes
● Dual chip medical grade LEDs
● Adjustable brightness, pulse, timer, and photon modes

Bærbar rødlysterapi

● Rechargeable
● Targeted treatment
● Handheld comfort
● On-the-go therapy
● Instant on/off

Bærbar rødlysterapi

● Flexibility
● Portability
● Durability
● Ease of use
● Adjustable intensity

Skønhed LED lysterapi

● Lightweight
● Multiple photon modes
● UV-free
● Ease of use
● Safe for all skin types


Vores tjenester

tilpasset logo rødt lys terapi
Tilpas mærke

Din brandidentitet bliver en integreret del af brugeroplevelsen og forstærker dit brand ved hver berøring.

tilpasset bølgelængde rødt lys terapi
Tilpas bølgelængder

Vi tilbyder et bredt udvalg af bølgelængder. Uanset om det er hudsundhed, muskelgendannelse eller ethvert andet terapeutisk behov, har vi den nøjagtige bølgelængde skræddersyet til dig.

brugerdefinerede LED-chips rødlysterapi
Tilpas LED'er

Personlige konfigurationer: Vælg mellem enkelt-, dobbelt- eller triple-chip LED'er, der passer til dine udstyrsspecifikationer.

tilpasset produkt farve rød lysterapi
Tilpas farve

A color that resonates with your brand, your red led light therapy devices can seamlessly align with your brand’s colors, offering a professional and consistent appearance to your clientele.

tilpasset emballage rødt lys terapi
Tilpas emballage

Hver detalje tæller. Vi forstår, at præsentationen og brugeroplevelsen går hånd i hånd med selve produktets effektivitet. Det handler ikke kun om, hvad der er inde i kassen, men hvordan det præsenteres.

tilpasset controller rødt lys terapi
Tilpas controller

Omdefinerer brugergrænsefladen for at skræddersy din enheds controller. Vores controllere er ikke kun æstetisk tiltalende, men er ergonomisk designet til at sikre brugervenlighed.

bedste rødt lys terapi selskab
apparater til terapi med rødt lys
rødt lys terapi bælter

Hvordan LED-lysterapi gavner din hud, krop og hjerne


+Udvider blodkar for øget flow
+Beskytter røde blodlegemer og blodplader


+ Lindrer ømme muskler, ledsmerter og gigt
+Letter symptomer forbundet med autoimmune sygdomme, rygmarv og traumatiske hjerneskader


+Øger testosteronproduktionen
+Kan stimulere hjernens pinealkirtel


+Letter stivhed og ømhed i leddene
+Minsker inflammation
+Reducerer muskelspasmer og øger blodgennemstrømningen

fordele ved rødt lysterapi


+Stimulerer stamceller i hårsækken for at fremme aktiv vækst


+Genererer produktion af kollagen
+Øget vævsreparation
+Reduktion i udseendet af fine linjer, rynker og ar


+Accelererer muskelreparation
+Stimulerer mitokondrier og stamceller for hurtigere restitution


+Stimulerer kollagenproduktionen
+Styrker håret og forbedrer hudens elasticitet
+Fremmer bindevævssundhed

spa studio rødt lys terapi
fitness rødt lys terapi

Which Businesses Can Use Red Light Therapy?

Use red light therapy to provide added value to your clients, focusing on health, wellness, and beauty benefits.

fitness centers red light therapy

Fitness Centers & Gyms

Fitness facilities offer red light therapy as a service to help with muscle recovery and enhance overall wellness.

beauty spa red light therapy

Beauty Salons & Spa

Offer anti-aging treatments, improve skin complexion and promote relaxation.

physical therapy red light therapy

Physical Therapists

Reduce inflammation and pain, aiding in the recovery process for injuries.

dentists red light therapy


Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Speed up healing following dental procedures and alleviate myofascial pain related to temporomandibular disorder (TMD).

complementary and alternative medicine red light therapy

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners

Naturopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, Ayurvedic practitioners, massage therapists, and yoga teachers, can enhance their services with red light therapy. This therapy aids in pain management, reduces inflammation, and promotes overall wellness.

chiropractors red light therapy


Benefits as a natural vasodilator that relaxes the muscles within blood vessels, enhancing circulation. Effective in reducing inflammation and accelerating the healing process for musculoskeletal pain, including conditions such as low back pain, shoulder impingement syndrome, neck pain, joint pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

weight loss red light therapy

Weight Loss Clinics

Enhance metabolism and support fat reduction, aiding in weight management. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) helps balance thyroid function, which can facilitate weight loss. Red light therapy also reduces fat cells by creating microscopic pores in adipose cells, releasing lipids.

animal red light therapy

Veterinarians/Animal Naturopaths

Enhance the treatment of various conditions in animals. Beneficial for reducing inflammation, accelerating healing, and managing pain in pets and livestock. It is particularly useful for treating injuries, surgical recovery, and chronic conditions such as arthritis in animals.

Hot Selling Red Light Therapy Products


Efter mange års vækst har vi etableret langsigtede partnerskaber med forskellige mærker. Vores eksisterende kunder har konsekvent givet os positive anmeldelser.

Lightus lysterapiprodukter modtager konsekvent rosende anmeldelser fra vores kunder, og feedbacken har været overvældende positiv. Kvalitet, holdbarhed og effektivitet.
Pamela Greenberg
Pamela Greenberg
Vi var imponerede over deres ekspertise. Deres lysterapiapparater viser deres dedikation til kvalitet. Glad for at arbejde med en producent, der værdsætter både kvalitet og innovation.
Mark Gabriel
Mark Gabriel
Lightus red light therapy products are not only top-tier in terms of quality but also come backed with an incredible team of experts ready to assist at any time. A delightful partnership all around!
Shawna McKinley
Shawna McKinley

Latest Blog

Anti-Aging Red Light Body Therapy

Red Light Therapy at Tanning Salons

Red light therapy in tanning salons offers benefits such as enhanced skin rejuvenation, promoting collagen production, reducing inflammation, and improving overall skin tone and texture, reduced signs of aging, and improved healing without the risks associated with UV exposure, attract a broader clientele interested in non-invasive skincare solutions.

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Red vs Near Infrared Light

Red Light Therapy Wavelengths

Unlock the full potential of your health with Red Light Therapy Wavelengths: Learn how specific light frequencies not only improve skin conditions but also boost mitochondrial function, leading to enhanced energy levels and accelerated recovery in a natural, non-invasive way.

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Red Light Therapy for Cellulite

Does Red Light Therapy Work for Cellulite?

Red light therapy aids in reducing cellulite by stimulating collagen production for better skin texture and elasticity, enhancing blood flow to nourish skin cells and remove waste, and directly affecting fat cells to decrease their size, thus reducing the lumpiness and dimpling of cellulite.

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Red light therapy for athletes

How to Integrate Red Light Therapy into a Fitness Business?

Red light therapy is gaining traction in the fitness industry for its notable benefits, including speeding up the healing process of muscle tissues, enhancing athletes’ endurance by improving cellular oxygenation, and reducing symptoms of fatigue, thus enabling more effective and longer training sessions.

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What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy offers benefits such as improved skin complexion and elasticity, accelerated muscle recovery, enhanced joint health, and reduced inflammation and pain, contributing to overall well-being and physical performance.

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Red Light Therapy At Home

Red Light Therapy At Home

Discover the transformative benefits of red light therapy at home, from anti-aging and pain relief to improved athletic performance and mood enhancement, with our comprehensive guide on the best red light therapy devices and setup tips.

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Customized to Your Brand

Elegant Designs, Superior Performance

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