Personaliza tu dispositivo

Servicio OEM y ODM para soluciones personalizadas de terapia de luz LED

Customize red light therapy

At Lightus light therapy, we understand that each individual and business has unique needs. That’s why we are not just a manufacturer, but a dedicated partner in creating LED light therapy solutions tailor-made for you.

1) Logo: Leave a mark with your brand. We offer custom logo integration to ensure your brand stands out prominently.

2) Wavelength: Different therapeutic needs require different wavelengths, such as 630nm, 660nm, 670nm, 810nm, 830nm, 850nm, 910nm 930nm, 940nm, 1060nm, 1070nm, 415nm, 450nm, 480nm, and others as desired. Choose the exact wavelength you need, and if you’re unsure, our experts are here to guide.

3) Casing Color: Make it yours. From understated neutrals to vibrant shades, pick a color that best resonates with your brand or preference.

4) User Manual: We don’t just offer a product; we ensure your customers understand it. Customized user manuals in clear, concise language make usage seamless.

5) Packaging: First impressions matter. With our bespoke packaging solutions, your product not only works great but looks great too.

6) Touch Keypad/Screen: Modernize the user experience. Our touch keypad/screen offer intuitive controls for users, making operations smooth and effortless.

7) Advanced Controller Design: Need more functions? Our R&D team is ready to innovate. We can craft a new controller design with enhanced features tailored for your market.

Guidance and Collaboration:
¿Se siente abrumado con las decisiones de diseño? Nuestro experimentado equipo de investigación y desarrollo está equipado para realizar investigaciones de mercado integrales, garantizando que su producto sea a la vez de vanguardia y rentable. Nuestro compromiso va más allá de la mera fabricación; Nuestro objetivo es elevar su marca con productos excepcionales que realmente satisfagan la demanda de su mercado.

Confíe en Lightus, cocreemos productos de fototerapia que resuenen con su visión y cautiven a su mercado.

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