Bantalan Terapi Cahaya Merah

Flexible infrared red light therapy pads offer a non-invasive way to manage pain using 660nm red light and 850nm near-infrared wavelengths, promoting full-body mitochondrial wellness. These portable, affordable pads require no supervision, creating effortless revenue streams for businesses. Compact and travel-friendly, the pads are easily stored and ideal for frequent travelers. Day spas, massage therapists, and chiropractors can enhance their services with these pads, potentially generating over $100,000 in annual profits. They also serve as perfect retail products for clients looking to maintain wellness on the go.

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

kami bangga memberikan keahlian yang luar biasa, layanan yang dipersonalisasi, dan solusi terapi cahaya merah yang inovatif untuk mewujudkan ide-ide Anda.

Yes, incorporating a full body red light therapy pad into yoga and meditation practices can enhance the overall experience. The soothing effects of red light therapy promote relaxation, reduce muscle tension, and improve circulation, which can help you ease into deeper stretches during yoga. Additionally, the calming impact of red light therapy may support mental clarity and relaxation, making it a great complement to meditation by creating a peaceful environment and reducing stress.

Our red and infrared light therapy mat is designed with convenience in mind, making it both user-friendly and highly portable. Its compact and foldable design allows for easy storage and transport, and it can even be placed on your bed for an incredibly relaxing light therapy session.

Ya, kami dapat menyesuaikan jumlah chip LED pada perangkat terapi cahaya merah Anda. Berikut adalah pilihannya:
LED Chip Tunggal
Chip LED Ganda
LED Chip Tiga
Chip LED Quad

Tim kami dapat membantu Anda memilih konfigurasi terbaik berdasarkan kebutuhan spesifik dan tujuan terapi Anda, memastikan perangkat khusus Anda memberikan hasil yang optimal.

Yes, our red light therapy pads come with 1 year warranty that covers manufacturing defects.

Infrared light can partially penetrate clothing, but the effectiveness may be reduced. For best results and maximum therapeutic benefit, it’s recommended to apply infrared light directly to the skin without any barriers.

Both infrared and red light therapies are forms of photobiomodulation, but they use different wavelengths. Infrared light therapy generally uses longer wavelengths (typically in the 700-1000 nanometer range), penetrating deeper into tissues and promoting pain relief. Red light therapy uses shorter wavelengths (around 600-700 nanometers) and is often used for external benefits.

Mulailah Hari Ini!

Bermitralah dengan tim ahli kami untuk membuat bantalan terapi lampu merah LED khusus. Kami menyederhanakan prosesnya, memastikan pengalaman yang lancar dan bebas stres dari awal hingga akhir.

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